Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Have You Laughed Today?

One of my most favorite classics ever...it brings back so many fond memories. For my freshman Communication Skills class I did a presentation called "Laughter is the Best Form of Medicine," and showed clips of Mary Poppins including this one. Afterwards, I led the entire class in a laughing exercise. Before you knew it we were all rolling on the floor with giggles. *sigh*.... memories that make me laugh, those are my fave ones...hahaha (chuckle chuckle blast)!!!

how do you laugh? how often do you laugh?

lately, i haven't been laughing as much as i like. when did i become so serious? that's why i changed that tonight (with Mary Poppins), maybe it's also the sleep deprivation. mmm...yeah it's the latter. by the way, laughter and tears is proven to be one of the best cathartic therapies to stress (Nursing Forum).

google "laughter is the best form of medicine" or "laughter therapy," you'll get a host of credible sources and silliness.

alright, have fun laughing!!


Anonymous said...

aww, I like your post! I love Mary Poppins and that lovely laughter scene... I love laughing, it's pretty... magical. Haha. I'm glad there are people out there who like to promote laughter. :-)

VJM said...

